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  • sx 2.8.0 beta 버전 출시했네요. 8.1.0 지원
    작성자 : ddunddunpooh | 조회수 : 4405 (2019-06-20 오전 5:59:47)

    sx 2.8.0 beta 버전이 나왔습니다.

    We are back with another update for SX OS. As you all probably know, one of our main priorities is making sure existing users are able to keep enjoying SX OS.

    This update brings full compatibility for the recent firmware update 8.1.0.

    Nothing more, nothing less. We have some very cool features lined up that are not quite ready for primetime yet. And we didn't want to keep you waiting till next september either.

    So what are you waiting for? SX OS 2.8 beta is available for download on our website now! (and through the builtin online updater part of SX OS, of course)

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    Lv.3 Hoonycom (2019-06-20 06:00:17)
    빠르네요 ㅋ

    Lv.3 ddunddunpooh (2019-06-20 06:01:31)
    이번엔 바로바로 나왔네요ㅋㅋ
    Lv.4 이순신장군 (2019-06-24 19:00:58)
    어제 8.1.0 올리고 펌웨어 2.8beta 복사해서 사용하니 잘 됩니다. ㅎㅎ

    도배방지 : 0

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