아래 atmosphere 0.8.5 가 새로 릴리즈 되었다고 해서 변경사항을 보았는데 sx os에서 지원하는 방식의 치트가 지원이 되는거 같습니다.
Support for cheat codes was added. - These are handled by a new
dmnt sysmodule, which will also reimplement Nintendo's Debug Monitor in the future. - Cheat codes can be enabled/disabled at application launch via a per-title key combination.
- Cheat codes are fully backwards compatible with the pre-existing format, although a number of bugs have been fixed and some new features have been added.
- An HIPC service API was added (
dmnt:cht ), that will allow user homebrew to interface with and control Atmosphere's cheat manager.
아직 회사라 테스트는 못해봤지만
좋은 소식이라 글 올립니다.
그럼 이만~