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  • atmosphere 0.8.5에 치트 관련 업데이트가 있네요
    작성자 : 울랄라와우 | 조회수 : 5253 (2019-03-08 오후 3:04:37)
    - 링크


    아래 atmosphere 0.8.5 가 새로 릴리즈 되었다고 해서

    변경사항을 보았는데

    sx os에서 지원하는 방식의 치트가 지원이 되는거 같습니다.

    Support for cheat codes was added. 

    • These are handled by a new dmnt sysmodule, which will also reimplement Nintendo's Debug Monitor in the future.
    • Cheat codes can be enabled/disabled at application launch via a per-title key combination.   
    • Cheat codes are fully backwards compatible with the pre-existing  format, although a number of bugs have been fixed and some new features  have been added.   
    • An HIPC service API was added ( dmnt:cht ), that will allow user homebrew to interface with and control Atmosphere's cheat manager. 


    아직 회사라 테스트는 못해봤지만

    좋은 소식이라 글 올립니다.

    그럼 이만~

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    Lv.5 울랄라와우 (2019-03-08 20:52:32)
    Edizon도 업데이트가 있었네요.


    RAM editing and Atmosphere cheat support
    @WerWolv WerWolv released this 13 hours ago · 3 commits to master since this release

    A few hours ago Atmosphere 0.8.5 was released and it features a cool addition called dmnt:cht which allows you to load cheats for your games. Here comes EdiZon which now has an integrated cheat engine like RAM editor and acts as a cheat management tool for dmnt:cht!
    The updater is broken in the EdiZon version 2.2.0 and lower! Please update manually to this release!
    Full Changelog
    Cheat engine like RAM editor!
    Freezing of variables in RAM using dmnt:cht. Only works with Atmosphere, not with other CFWs!
    Cheat management tool for Atmosphere's dmnt:cht. Only works with Atmosphere, not with other CFWs!
    Reimplemented the auto updater. This is a breaking change! You need to update to this release manually.
    Now updates configs, scripts AND cheats!
    Fixed and greatly improved the uploading of save files. You now get a code you can enter on http://edizon.werwolv.net . Thanks A LOT to @Ac_K for all his help!
    Lots of UI and touch bug fixes
    Fixed building being impossible except your were me
    Added progress bars to many long lasting operations

    도배방지 : 0

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