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  • 게임 업데이트 덤프에 관하여
    작성자 : Dooooo | 조회수 : 9385 (2018-10-02 오전 11:53:00)
    - 첨부파일

    원본사이즈 : 1024 X 774

    현시점 게임 업데이트를 하기위해서는 밴안당한 정품본체로 게임 업데이트를 다운받은후 
    업데이트 nsp를 덤프해야 하는데, 관련 정보가 별로 없기에 글 남깁니다.
    원본 출처에서 SwitchSDTool을 다운받거나 첨부파일을 받은후 readme.txt의 내용대로 진행하시면 되는데
    좀 복잡합니다...

    출처: https://gbatemp.net/threads/nintendo-switch-sd-to-nsp-dumper.514816/

    이하 readme.txt 내용.

    ----- How to dump NSPs from your SD card for the First time. -----

    Step 1: Put your Switch into Airplane mode and remove ALL wifi connection profiles. (Safety measure to avoid a potential ban.)
    Step 2: Follow the tutorial at https://gbatemp.net/threads/backup-restore-your-nand-get-your-biskeys-tseckeys-keys-txt-guide.513386/ to dump your nand, keys.txt and biskey dump.
    Step 3: Restore the nand back up, if you have not already done so via above tutorial following the dumping of biskey.txt and keys.txt. (Safety measure to avoid a potential ban.)

    Step 4: Grab Hac Disk Mount from https://switchtools.sshnuke.net/
    Step 5: Power off your switch. Mount the SD card from your switch to your PC.
    Step 6: Open up hac disk mount with Administrator Priveleges. (This is mandatory in order to install the Virtual Drive driver.).
    Step 7: Open up rawnand.bin in hac disk mount.
    Step 8: Double click on PRODINFO
    Step 9: Open up biskey.txt and copy in the Crypto and Tweak keys from Bis Key 0, then click on Test. Make sure the result says Entropy OK.
    Step 10: Click on Browse in Dump to File, and browse to the location where you extracted this tool to.
    Step 11: Click on Start.

    Step 12: Click on the X. we are done with PRODINFO.
    Step 13: Double click on System.
    Step 14: Copy in the Crypto and Tweak keys from Bis Key 2, the click on Test. Make sure the result says Entropy OK.
    Step 15: Install the Virtual Drive driver.  (If it errors, you need to reopen Hac disk mount with administrator priveleges.)
    Step 16: Click on Mount.

    Step 17: Copy keys.txt from the SD card to where you extracted this tool.
    Step 18: Open the tool. (If it errors, make sure you have installed .NET Framework 4.7.1)
    Step 19: Click on Select SD Folder. Choose the Drive that the SD is mounted to.
    Step 20: Click on Select System Path. Choose the Drive letter you mounted the SYSTEM partition to. (A drive by default.)
    Step 21: Click on Select Decryption Path. Choose where you want the decrypted NCAs to reside.
    Step 22: Click on Select NSP Output Path. Choose where you want your NSP dumps to be saved.
    Step 23: Google for eticket_rsa_kek. (if your keys.txt doesn't already contain this key.)
    Step 24: Paste the results in the text field that says "Replace me with the actual eticket_rsa_kek.".
    Step 25: The Log should say "ETicket RSA KEK is correct.". If it does not, go back to step 22 and try harder.

    Step 26: Click on "Find SD Key".  The log should say "SD Key Loaded".
    Step 27: Click on Load RSA KEK. The log should have two entries. "E-Ticket RSA Key Encryption Key loaded successfully" and "RSA Key extracted successfully from PRODINFO.bin".

    Step 28: Click on Extract Tickets. Log should say "Dumping Tickets" followed shortly by "Done. x Tickets dumped".
    Step 29: Click on Decyrpt NCAs. Log should show a bunch of "Processing --file--.nca - Decrypting, Done. Verifying, Verified.  (May start with Joining, Done).
    Step 30: Click on the Games Tab, then Click on Parse NCAs.  This should finish, and all of your games present on the SD card should be listed, along with any Updates and DLC.
    Step 31: Click on your preferred language, and move it to the top by click on Move Up.  Repeat for each preference, setting them one below the top, etc...
    Step 32: Click on Pack ALL NSPs to pack everything, or select a game, and click on Pack Selected NSP to pack that NSP only.
    Step 33: Close the tool.
    Step 34: Unmount the SYSTEM partition and close hac disk mount.
    Step 35: Unmount the SD card and put it back into your switch.

    ----- How to Dump NSPs from new purchases / updates since last dumping. -----

    Step 1. Dump your nand, following the guide at https://gbatemp.net/threads/backup-restore-your-nand-get-your-biskeys-tseckeys-keys-txt-guide.513386/ (Provided you saved biskey and keys.txt, you won't need to redump those.)
    Step 2: Power off your switch. Mount the SD card from your switch to your PC.
    Step 3: Open up hac disk mount with Administrator Priveleges. (This is mandatory in order to install the Virtual Drive driver.).
    Step 4: Open up rawnand.bin in hac disk mount.
    Step 5: Double click on System.
    Step 6: Copy in the Crypto and Tweak keys from Bis Key 2, the click on Test. Make sure the result says Entropy OK.
    Step 7: Click on Mount.
    Step 8: Open the tool.
    Step 9: Click on "Find SD Key".  The log should say "SD Key Loaded".
    Step 10: Click on Load RSA KEK. The log should have two entries. "E-Ticket RSA Key Encryption Key loaded successfully" and "RSA Key extracted successfully from PRODINFO.bin".
    Step 11: Click on Extract Tickets. Log should say "Dumping Tickets" followed shortly by "Done. x Tickets dumped".
    Step 12: Click on Decyrpt NCAs. Log should show a bunch of "Processing --file--.nca - Decrypting, Done. Verifying, Verified.  (May start with Joining, Done).
    Step 13: Click on the Games Tab, then Click on Parse NCAs.  This should finish, and all of your games present on the SD card should be listed, along with any Updates and DLC.
    Step 14: Click on Pack ALL NSPs to pack everything, or select a game, and click on Pack Selected NSP to pack that NSP only.
    Step 15: Close the tool.
    Step 16: Unmount the SYSTEM partition and close hac disk mount.
    Step 17: Unmount the SD card and put it back into your switch.

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    Lv.8 FINEDAYS (2018-10-02 11:58:06)
    이미 게임들이 설치된 SD카드로 작업하면 시간이 굉장히 오래 걸리기 때문에... 새 SD카드에 업데이트만 받아서 진행하면 시간이 굉장히 짧아집니다
    그리고 1.08은 오류가 있다는 이야기가 많아서 1.07로 진행하시면 좋을 것 같습니다
    Lv.3 Dooooo (2018-10-02 11:59:28)
    좋은 첨언 감사합니다.
    Lv.7 KNIl (2018-10-02 16:27:47)
    오우 업데이트 뿐만 아니라 게임과 DLC도 덤프가 가능한 툴이군요 ㅎㅎ
    정식으로 구매한 DL 타이틀들도 백업해봐야겠네요
    Lv.2 행운돌 (2018-11-18 18:40:03)
    좋은 정보 감사합니다.

    도전해보려고 하다가 영어 압박으로 갸우뚱중입니다. 그래도 위 사이트에서 이미지와 같이 설명이 되서 조금 이해되고 있습니다.

    도배방지 : 0

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