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  • sx os 1.3 나왔네요.
    작성자 : 최짐승 | 조회수 : 10336 (2018-07-04 오전 6:46:19)
    eshop 게임 지원 추가 된 것으로 알고 있는데 게임 폴더를 어디에 넣어야 할지 모르겠네요..

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    Lv.3 착한무당 (2018-07-04 09:43:26)
    업데이트 된 내용이라 합니다.

    Add LayeredFS support
    Are you excited about any upcoming Game Mods for switch games? Well, we are! To accommodate this we have added what is commonly referred to as "LayeredFS" support. In short what this allows you to do is override specific files from a game with modified copies that are loaded from your microSD's (ex)FAT partition.
    Place your custom game files under the following locations on the microSD root:
    ? /sxos/titles//exefs/
    ? /sxos/titles//romfs/?
    We can't wait to see what cool mods the community will come up with!

    Add eShop NSP support
    This adds support for installing and launching installed eShop NSP files. This is still rough around the edges and for advanced users only. To install NSP files you need a legitimate copy of the DevMenu, which can be launched currently via LayeredFS. We are still working on adding a custom and easy to use NSP installer to our own menu system. Stay tuned!
    WARNING: We do not recommend playing online with installed eShop NSP games without a valid ticket, as this WILL lead to a console ban without a doubt.

    Add low battery reconfiguration on bootup
    Some users were having battery issues after playing around with Switch Linux custom payload. This fixes the "battery desync" issue every time you boot your switch. If you weren't use Switch Linux there's nothing to worry, otherwise; enjoy your penguins AND enjoy your horizon OS! ??

    Hide OSX Temp files in game selection menu
    If you were pestered by bogus entries in the game selection menu chances are high this is because you are using OSX (and Finder). We simply hide those files from the menu now. All cleaned up!

    Removed eMMC password lock
    It seems a perfectly safe and easily reversible hacker challenge we put in place for aspiring hackers has been blown out of proportion. We are sad to see so many false claims on the internet and to avoid any further false accusations and 'fake news' we decided to get rid of it. Namaste.
    Lv.6 서비스의달인 (2018-07-04 10:01:19)
    LayeredFS 가 뭔지 모르겠네요.
    Lv.6 KNIl (2018-07-04 10:18:52)
    오오 LayeredFS지원하면 유저한글화도 가능하겠군요
    Lv.4 사랑비가 (2018-07-04 15:00:12)
    우와 이건 좀 있으면 완전체 되겠네요.
    Lv.4 반짝이0208 (2018-07-04 15:52:57)
    다운받았던 이샵게임들을 돌릴수 있는거군요!
    Lv.3 플랜트인 (2018-07-04 16:37:29)
    예전 게이트웨이가 생각나네요
    Lv.2 나쁜천사메롱 (2018-11-24 11:45:47)
    그렇군요. 좋은 정보 감사합니다.

    도배방지 : 0

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