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  • 북미 wii u usb 인식 설치 및 멀티플레이 방법 문의 드립니다.
    작성자 : 수리동동 | 조회수 : 6008 (2016-10-30 오후 4:52:55)
    일단 해외 포럼에 있는 글을 보면
    1. get the ticket for your game and be sure it's the same region than your console!
      - Extract it from a WUD file. Note: you don't need ALL the rar files or extract the full 25GB wud. Only the first .rar or .r01 file is enough to extract an incomplete wud and get the ticket with Cdecrypt.
      - Extract it from a console with CFW booter and IOSU hack (not user friendly!).
      - Any other method you want to find a ticket
      The file you want is : title.tik or tik located in folder system/02/

    2. Fix the ticket data
      Attention: You don't need to FIX or EDIT or MODIFY a ticket from NAND, it's already good.
      You also don't need to modify a ticket if someone already fixed for you!
      - with this tool : https://gbatemp.net/threads/release-wii-u-ticket-modifier.445553/
      - or manually : here (not an exact method, trial and error!).
      - or uTikDownloadHelper (drag/drop a tik on the exe and it will fix the ticket if needed AND download the game). Easier program!

    3. Get the game from NUS, do not decrypt. Be sure it's the same region than your console!
      you can use:
      - JNUSTool with "-dlEncrypted" command. Can resume and fix bad download, Faster download speed. Recommended program!!!
      - JNUSTool GUI Mod, enables simultaneous game downloading/queueing + drag/drop a tik to start downloading the respective game.
      - NUSGrabber,
      - or uTikDownloadHelper (drag/drop a tik on the exe and it will download the game).

      DO NOT USE these programs :
      - or Uwizard (wrong filename),
      - or NewNUSGrabber GUI (it's outdated!),

    4. put the game files (.app, .h3, title.cert, title.tmd, etc.) and the corrected/repaired ticket (title.tik) on your SD card, in SD:/Install/ folder

    5. be sure your ticket is named "title.tik" if not, rename it.

      Note : If you use the WUP Installer 1.0 mod Y :
      instead of using SD:/install/, you can create subfolders (if you want) for each game or game update you want to install.
      example :
      install/game 1/
      install/game 2/
      install/game 2 update/
      install/game that is awesome/
      You don't need to eject the SD card after 1 game installation anymore. You can now install multiple games at the same time.

    6. Put SD card into Wii U
    7. Plug in your WiiU Hard drive to your Wii U (if you want to install to USB)
    8. Eject any inserted game disc
    9. Launch the homebrew launcher
    10. Launch the Wup installer v1.0 mod Y1.0 (this WUP installer will not let you install system titles, so you can't brick !)
    11. Press X button to install to HDD, or press A to install to internal memory.
    12. let the game install.
    13. When the install ends you will be rebooted back into the homebrew launcher or on the install menu if you use the "mod Y" which lets you install another Title.
    14. delete ALL the content located on your SD:/install/ folder. You can now repeat the steps to install other games.
    15. exit the homebrew launcher or reboot your console and your games will be installed!
    이런 글이 있더라구요.
    근데 이해가 잘 안되서요 ㅠ.ㅜ 티켓을 구해서 설치 해야 하는 것같은데
    혹시 이해 하신분들중에 설명 부탁드려도 될까요ㅠ.ㅜ?
    문의 내용이 문제가 된다면 수정으로 지우겠습니다~!

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    Lv.4 thebar (2016-10-31 17:20:51)
    지금 지역별 tickets 파일을 구글하시면 구하실수있어요
    nusgrabber gui 로 풀게임 받으시고 tickets 파일만 옴기시면 되요

    도배방지 : 0

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