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  • 로딘 게임롬 폴더 설정방법 자세히 나와있는 사이트 없나요?
    작성자 : 터보맨 | 조회수 : 2757 (2016-05-04 오전 11:08:33)
    자료를 받는데 code 폴더 형태로 안나와있는게 많아서 스트레스네요
    이걸 어떻게 만지는지 검색해봐도 안나와있어서 질문 드립니다.
    영문 사이트라도 상관없으니 자세히 나와있는거 있으면 안내좀 부탁드립니다. 

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    Lv.18 민탱이 (2016-05-04 11:43:52)
    구글검색하면 잘 나와요.

    New folder structure:

    SD:\wiiu\games\Whatever your want as game title\

    Rename the red part to the game's title of your choice.
    SD:\wiiu\games\Yoshi's Woolly World\

    While you are creating the folder, you should add the TitleID in the folder name, it will be used in future version of loadiine to download missing game covers from gametdb. the format is "Game Name [TitleID6]"
    SD:\wiiu\games\Yoshi's Woolly World [AYCP01]\
    Note : This is the titleID for the European version. don't use this TitleID if you have the USA or JPN version.

    The titleID can be found and generated by looking in the meta.xml, last 4 and last 2 digits form the TitleID.

    If you don't know the TitleID and you don't have the meta folder or meta.xml, don't worry for the moment. just create your folder without that information. a tool could be released in the future to rename folders automatically.

    After you created the game's folder, copy the "code", "content" and "meta" folders from your game dump inside this folder.
    SD:\wiiu\games\Yoshi's Woolly World [AYCP01]\code\
    SD:\wiiu\games\Yoshi's Woolly World [AYCP01]\content\
    SD:\wiiu\games\Yoshi's Woolly World [AYCP01]\meta\

    The save folders are created automatically on first launch here:
    SD:\wiiu\saves\Yoshi's Woolly World [AYCP01]\u\
    SD:\wiiu\saves\Yoshi's Woolly World [AYCP01]\c\

    u = Current account save data
    c = Common save data
    Note: Currently, only one account is possible, whatever the Mii you choose at console launch it will share the same "u" save.

    Lv.7 lennon311 (2016-05-04 13:08:46)
    곧 로드라인이나 설치하는법 설명 해주시는 분이 나타날거 같군요

    도배방지 : 0

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