1. 커리어모드 에디트 플레이어,리스타트 매치 언락
2. 세리머니 언락, 게임플레이 모드
- Real CPUAI human brain simulation and reaction - Unlocked emotional engine 2 - Real Mental attributes - Real foul's and contact behaviour - Unlocked New player's tumble and fouls animations - Tweaked player's barycentre agent - Incresed player's cloth pulls - Increased unexpected gameplay situations - Increased CPUAI fouls/cards and aggression system - Increased CPUAI tackles especially on sliding (big fouls committed in every pitch zone, lot of fouls also on your gk) - Real foot proximity behavior - Decreased/adjusted game speed to a realistic level like real soccer matches. - Increased player's battle for possession - Little tweak on ball phisycs - Little tweak on ball touch system - Improved CPUAI defence difficulty - Decreased CPUAI attack difficulty - Decreased global player's balance - Increased umpredictable and unexpected gameplay situations - Disabled many gameplay cheats (not all) - Tweaked ball friction in air and on the ground/pitch - Tweaked impact engine (little tweak but important) - Incresed and revamped Gameplay Touchtype Behavior - Real player's mental attributes effect in the gameplay - All celebrations unlocked - Included suggested game and slider's settings - Special Nike F50 ball in the arena to verify if GP EVO is enabled - Minor improvements
1. FinalBig을 사용해서 data1.big 파일을 풀어줍니다.
2. 푼 파일들을 피파15 폴더안에 복사.
3. 첨부파일의 data폴더도 마찬가지로 피파15 폴더안에 복사.
4. data1.big파일은 data1.big.backup으로 이름변경.
5. cl.ini 파일도 피파15 폴더안에 복사.
저렇게 하고나면 파일수가 엄청 많아지기때문에 god로 변환하시는게 좋겠네요.