2011-02-03 오후 3:01:34 Hit. 2624
V8버젼이 나왔습니다.
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Syscall 36 지원
Waninkoko V2 CFW 지원
Kmeaw LV2 Patcher V8 *Updated* – Syscall 36 Payload, Waninkoko V2 CFW SupportNew update has arrived to the popular Kmeaw LV2 patcher now with the support of Syscall 36 and Waninkoko V2 CFW. The version is still the same though as according to Kmeaw himself, no code has been changed. kmeaw: yes kmeaw: c540c141fb5d9f5723ba6c394c5e9828 kmeaw: i have added sc36 payload kmeaw: it is still v8 kmeaw: no code has been changed kmeaw: just new .txt and .bin files