2011-01-29 오전 2:22:58 Hit. 1511
LogJam - Intelligent Log Stealthing
The obvious problem with clearing logs is that Sony can see that. Another optionwas to copy over the log files, but that's bad too, because Sony will see you and thousands of others running the same apps ALWAYS.
What LogJam does is scour your system for valid games within your region, and uses those as a "pool" of games to use in "fixing" your logs. The result is that only validgames appear in your logs, and they are always changing. They are also YOUR games.
When you first run it, it will ask you about your region and build the pool. You can also modify the LogJam.config I have provided (it's a tightly formatted text file) and place it in /dev_hdd0/game/BJSW00002/USRDIR/ The configurationj I have given is for US games. Please bear in mind my configuration has correct app version and SDK version information.
The format is as follows:
[Region]\n[MinLogEntries][MaxLogEntries][GAMEID]/[AppVer]/[SdkVer]\n: : :
Region is 1=US, 2=EU and 3=AsiaMinLogEntries and MaxLogEntries give the range of entries it will ensure your log has.If it is outside of the range, it will increase or trim the log as needed.
The text file is in strict linux text format... that is, don't edit it with notepad. Use notepad++ or some other editor that won't corrupt the newlines with carriage returns.
If the region needs to be updated, press TRIANGLE on the Jammed screen. This will re-enter the configuration and re-scan the games to generate a new configuration.
This is a PROOF OF CONCEPT. It is intended to be integrated into Backup Managers.
I wrote this in "C" using the PSL1GHT toolchain. it's ugly code, but there may be some useful stuff in there. I only wrote in "C" so others could use it in their BackupManagers... my next projects will be in C++, and I will be building up some useful stuff, hopefully for the PS3 scene.
No warranty is provided. It's just a program, so it's not going to brick your system, but I make no guarantee that Sony will not ban you from PSN, and I'd be really dumb if I gave assurances that this app will not do any harm (well, not likely, but I'd still be stupid to give actual assurances). At any rate, my name might be Jack Tretton, so if somebody needs to get a hold of me for any legal reasons, start with that name.
Minor update: Needed to make sure an unknown byte was being set in the patch.dat file.
App Version 01.02 now.
Read more: PSGroove.com - LogJam - Intelligent Log Stealthing by Jack Tentton