2011-01-20 오후 10:27:58 Hit. 4071
플3산것이 처음이라서 크로스엣지 사온거 플레이하다가 심심해서 dukio.com은 들어가질거 같아서 가보니
가이아 2.02버전이 나왔내요.
/app_home/PS3_GAME/에 설치하라고 하는것 같은데 맞나요?
(가이아의 히스토리)
2.02 설명이 여기 있내요. http://www.console-spot.com/2011/01/20/ps3-homebrew-gaia-manager-v2-02/
전 가이아매니저의 문제(payload loader function)를 수정
Drizz dropped by again to let us know he updated Gaia AGAIN!! Ok drizzt let us know what the changes were.. He changed the payload loader function, and it should work for people who were having problems with the old Gaia Manager’s.
[03:46am] djp: can you tell me what changes were made to .02[03:47am] djp: so i can fix the post [03:47am] drizztbsd: I changed the payload loader function, it should work also for people with problem with old gaia
You will need to be on a peek/poke firmware to use this backup manager. At the time of posting the only 2 available firmware’s that are capable of handling these syscalls are Kmeaw CFW 3.55 and Wutangrza CFW 3.55.
Kmeaw커펌, Wutangza커펌 지원