2010-09-10 오전 9:28:23 Hit. 3261
다음은 psjailbreak.com 에 올라온 새로운 뉴스입니다 (9월 8일자)
Firstly we would like to appolagize for the shipping delay. Our product is now officially shipping , and we have eliminated delay for future orders. All future orders will be shipped within 24 hours of payment. As this is a big project we needed to make sure that everything would be perfect for both the present and the future. Let us tell you the wait is well worth it as we have made our product even better then we thought possible. We have several new things to announce. Our Backup Manager v1.1 will be released on or before the 15th of September with a very valuable feature as well as increased reliability and expandability. We have received many emails asking about updates, we have a solution in the works (unlike all copy cat clone makers), Our solution will be released within 7 days as well and will only work with original units. As well we receive many inquiries as to price and competition. It is very important for all dealers and end users to understand that you get what you pay for. It costs a lot of money to support and provide new features. Clone makers/ Free versions do not have our associated costs for research or production , but when you buy cheap you receive an inferior quality product that will not be able to have any updates or support. Remember everybody you get exactly what you pay for. Some might say our product is priced to high , but we have to say if you want something that will continue to work then the money is well worth it! Thank you from the PS JAILBREAK TEAM
전반적인 내용은 별거 없습니다. 10일부터 자기네들 물건을 배송한다는 내용이고
자기네 물건 가격이 비싸도 합리적이고 번 돈은 다 재투자(?)하겠다 뭐 이런 뜻인듯
합니다. (PSgroove 만든 사람이 보면 코웃음을 칠 지도)
여튼 중요한게 백업매니저 1.1에 대한 소식이네요. 9월 15일날 릴리즈 한다고
합니다. 자세한 정보는 없지만 많은 mail들을 받았고 자기네들은 그걸 포함할
솔루션을 가지고 있다고 하네요. 은근 NTFS 지원에 대한 기대가 있지만 사실
NTFS는 윈도우에서나 쓰는 전용 포맷이기 때문에 개인적으로 이걸 지원한다는건
불가능에 가깝다 생각됩니다. 대신 표준에 가까운 exFAT를 지원해주면 마찬가지
효과를 볼 수 있을것 같은데 이사람들도 이쪽을 좀 생각해 주면 좋겠군요.
여튼, 새로운 백업 매니저를 기대해 봅니다.