2010-09-06 오전 2:23:43 Hit. 6433
Jailbreaker, PSGroove 사용에 대해 Sony에서 Ban을 시키기 시작하나봅니다.
'consoleSuspended'라고 뜨면 100%롭니다. ㅋ
한대 더 구입해야겠군요..
If you get the message “We are sorry. An error occured while attempting to create your account.” with a little sneaky message saying “consoleSuspended” then you can say goodbye to your online PSN friends. There will be no online gaming play anymore. There is no more PSN games download. Your PS3 console is banned from the access of Playstation Network. Just like what Microsoft did to our Xbox Live friends. Though, that would not be a problem if you hardly use your PSN account ever. You are asking me why you are you suspended by the great Sony? PS Jailbreak, PSGroove, remember?