Like I said you need Skyrim Special Edition for PC, this does not work with Skyrim Legendary Edition.
First of all you will see 2 or 3 files, what's important is that you find your "Saves" folder where all your saves are. There will probably be a lot, but you must find your save with the date. It Should be a .sav0 extension file. If you don't see a .sav0 extension (assuming you are using windows 10) in Windows Explorer find "View" and check "File name extensions".
Copy said .sav0 file to your Skyrim Saves on PC. It's Located in C:\Users\user\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\Saves.
Rename the .sav0 file to a .ess file.
Launch Skyrim Special Edition
Load your save game and you'll get a save warning, telling you that "Hyrule.esm is missing", once you see that warning you know, you're on the right track.
Edit your save with console commands! Go absolute nuts on how you want to edit your save. Here is my example.
After editing, save your game by overwriting the same file (Remember to backup your save, in case anything goes bad)
Once you overwrite the saved game, go back to your save games in Skyrim PC and rename the .ess to .sav0
Copy the modified save and the .sav1 file associated with your save to your switch and injected back. if you are using checkpoint, create a new folder and within that new folder, put a new folder named "Saves".
Inject it back to your switch and load the game.
라고 있는데 양덕이 이미 적용한거 같네요 제가 파일명을 동일하게 sav0,sav1 생성안해줘서 오류가 뿜는거 같네요 다시 시도해보겠습니다.